Trollgames Ltd.
Laracraft had the pleasure to develop a comprehensive statistics tool for the company Trollgames GmbH. The tool is used to present important key figures and metrics in clear dashboards to facilitate decision making in the company.
2018, 2023
Zacharias Creutznacher
Zacharias Creutznacher

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Yanick Frehner
Yanick Frehner

Lead Developer

Jonathan Vorich
Jonathan Vorich

Fullstack Developer

At Laracraft, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with custom software solutions that are not only functional, but also user-friendly and visually appealing. One of our projects was the development of a statistics tool for the Trollgames GmbH, a leading company in the gaming sector. This tool was developed to provide the Trollgames team with an efficient and effective way to manage and analyze a variety of business metrics.

We used Laravel for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend to create a robust and scalable solution. The tool's dashboard contains interactive graphs and tables that display a range of key metrics. These range from the number of registrations and daily active users(DAU) to specialized metrics such as average revenue per user(ARPU) and average revenue per paying user(ARPPU). In addition, the tool offers functionalities for managing users, marketing campaigns and projects to create a comprehensive ecosystem for data-driven decisions.

The implementation of this tool has revolutionized the business of Trollgames GmbH. Simplified data preparation and visualization allow for quick and informed decisions that directly impact the company's success. Our solution has not only optimized internal processes, but also helped shift Trollgames' corporate culture towards a more data-driven, analytical approach.

The project with Trollgames GmbH underlines our ability to translate complex requirements into elegant, powerful software solutions. We are convinced that this statistics tool will serve as a foundation for further growth and innovation for both Trollgames and other companies in similar industries. For further details and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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